Articles for Retail Users
Command – Get all product data from (website or POS)
You can run the ‘Get All Product data from ______’ if you wish to reload you Store Products data with the most recent data from your ecommerce website or POS feed. This action command typically runs automatically for you every night, so you do not typically need to run it manually, but it can be
Command – Remove Selected Product from Queu
Let’s say you started a Push Command, then realized you made an error in ow you wanted an item pushed. Assuming the action has not yet started, you can run the command ‘Remove Selected Product from Queu’ , and selected items will be removed from the push “bucket” they were in.
Command – Ignore selected products (exclude/include)
Let’s say you have some items that you know you don’t want to matchup – for example, you may have store display items listed in your POS data feed. You can use the ‘exclude selected products’ command to mark the Matching status of these items as “excluded”, allowing you to isolate these item when filtering
Command – Purge Store Data
You can use the “Purge Store Data” command if you wish to completely remove ALL product data from your PDBHub Store Products table. This action does NOT remove anything from your website or POS system. The table will be rebuilt with new data on your subsequent scheduled sync or CSV upload. Status details for the
Pushing Product Data to Your Website
Push Item Data to Your Website After matching items, it’s easy to push that data to your website. You can push all supported product data, or use the Push As… option to push only specific data types. Push Settings Push Settings allow you to set options for what data fields are pushed from the

Product Safety Warnings
Safety Warnings for the CPSC mandated choking hazards and for additional warnings as text alerts can be automatically added to your website from STN product data.* You can then also easily edit hazards within individual products on your website. CPSC 6 Mandated choking hazard warnings Additional safety alerts examples:Warning: Contains a button or coin battery.Warning:
Store Reports & Matching Options
The Data Feeds section includes a STORE PRODUCTS page that can be used to generate reports (what products are matched, in or out of sync, etc), matchup products manually, and push product data to your website. Here’s an overview of the functions of this page. Where to Find It Under the main menu: Data
Brand ID
Brand names and parent vendor names Every product in the STN Database has an associated Vendor. A product may also have an associated Brand (aka. brand_id). The Brand is populated when it is more relevant to the consumer as the recognized brand. For example, a Calico Critters item from Epoch may be best presented to
Vendor Lookup
The VENDOR LOOKUP tools in the Retailer Portal allow you to customize the display and matching of your POS Vendors to the STN Vendors location: main menu > Data Feeds> Vendor Lookup There are 6 main fields: Uploaded Store Vendor Name Actual Store Vendor Name STN Vendor Name Cleanup Prefix Cleanup Suffix Match Grade (Beta)

Requesting Product Updates
Are there products that you would like added (or updated) in the STN Master Product Database? Keeping the STN product database updated is one of the most important services we offer our members. We accumulate general reports that we use to assess product request needs – from these reports we reach out to our partner
Request Access to a Blocked Vendor
How to check if you are blocked from a line of products Product data from blocked vendors will not be matched or pushed to your store. You will also be blocked from viewing the vendor’s data. You can use the ‘Blocked Vendors’ button to check if you are blocked from any vendors. Use this form
Product Data Conversion – Age Ranges, Keywords, Fundamentals, etc.
Product data is pushed to your website within pre-defined fields. Most of these make perfect sense, for example Product Name is used to populate the Shopify product field called Product Title. Some data field do not have a default field within a cart system, so we push it to your site in converted data – for
Checking SKUs for Sync Across Systems
These notes are written for using PDBHub in combination with STN Virtuemart eCommerce system. Additional related notes can be found on POS Sync Management Tips PDBHub Product Matchup and Creation TIPS FOR CHECKING SYNC: 1. start with product editor, looking for oldest modified items This is from your STN inline Product Editor: 2. In
TGTG Catalog Tools
Starting in Spring 2022, we have added Advanced TGTG Product Management Tools for Retail Portal. TGTG Tools Video Overview Getting Started Contact your STN Account Rep if you need the TGTG Tools activated on your account – The services is a very affordable $10/mo add-on to your Retail Portal. Mapping Once connected, the TGTG tools