Product Data Conversion – Age Ranges, Keywords, Fundamentals, etc.

Product data is pushed to your website within pre-defined fields. Most of these make perfect sense, for example Product Name is used to populate the Shopify product field called Product Title. Some data field do not have a default field within a cart system, so we push it to your site in converted data – for example, Ages Ranges are sent to a Shopify site as Product Tags. This page describes how we convert some specific fields when being pushed to e-com platforms. 

Here are some of the most common data conversions: 

Age Ranges

A product’s recommended age range is stored in the STN product database as annual incremented age ranges. For example,  a product recommended for “Ages 3+” is stored as these 4 annual ranges:
3-4 yrs, 4-5 yrs, 5-6 yrs, & 6-7 yrs.

When we push that to Shopify, it will show up in an item as these 4 Product Tags:
age 3-4 years
age 4-5 years
age 5-6 years
age 6-7 years

STN Range WooCom (Attributes) Shopify (Tags) BigCommerce (Custom Field called Ages)
Birth to 1 year Birth age 0-1 years Newborn
Age 1 to 2 years 1 yr age 1-2 years 1 Yr
Age 2 to 3 years 2 yrs age 2-3 years 2 Yrs
Age 5 to 4 years 3 yrs age 3-4 years 3 Yrs
Age 4 to 5 years 4 yrs age 4-5 years 4 Yrs
Age 5 to 6 years 5 yrs age 5-6 years 5 Yrs
Age 6 to 7 years 6 yrs age 6-7 years 6 Yrs
Age 7 to 8 years 7 yrs age 7-8 years 7 Yrs
Age 8 to 9 years 8 yrs age 8-9 years 8 Yrs
Age 9 to 10 years 9 yrs age 9-10 years 9 Yrs
Age 10 to 11 years 10 yrs age 10-11 years 10 Yrs
Age 11 to 12 years 11 yrs age 11-12 years 11 Yrs
Age 13 & older Adult age 13+ years 13+ Yrs
--- --- --- ---
Ages Birth to 2nd birthday Birth|1 yr age 0-1 years, age 1-2 years Newborn, 1 Yr
Ages Birth to 3rd birthday Birth|1 yr|2 yrs age 0-1 years, age 1-2 years, age 2-3 years Newborn, 1 Yr, 2 Yrs


We assign items to one or more of the following Categories as listed in the table below.

When we push this field to WooCom, we push to WooCom Categories where a slug is used to define correspondence. See the STN Import Tool in your WordPress site for additional details.

For Shopify or BigCommerce, Category info will show up in an item as Product Tags.

STN Categories WooCom Shopify BigCommerce
(Pushed to Categories, as assigned category slug ) (Pushed as Product Tags) (Pushed to Categories)
Action Figures action-figures Action Figures Action Figures
Active Play active-play Active Play Active Play
Arts & Crafts arts-crafts Arts & Crafts Arts & Crafts
Baby baby Baby Baby
Bathtub Toys bathtub-toys Bathtub Toys Bathtub Toys
Books, Movies & Videos books-movies-videos Books Movies & Videos Books, Movies & Videos
Cars, Trains & Vehicles cars-trains-vehicles Cars Trains & Vehicles Cars, Trains & Vehicles
Clothing clothing Clothing Clothing
Collectibles collectibles Collectibles Collectibles
Construction construction Construction Construction
Dolls & Accessories dolls-accessories Dolls & Accessories Dolls & Accessories
Dress-Up dress-up Dress-Up Dress-Up
Educational Toys educational-toys Educational Toys Educational Toys
Electronics electronics Electronics Electronics
Furniture & Decor furniture-decor Furniture & Decor Furniture & Decor
Games games Games Games
Musical Toys musical-toys Musical Toys Musical Toys
Outdoor Toys outdoor-toys Outdoor Toys Outdoor Toys
Party Supplies party-supplies Party Supplies Party Supplies
Pretend pretend Pretend Pretend
Puppets & Plush puppets-plush Puppets & Plush Puppets & Plush
Push, Pull & Ride push-pull-ride Push Pull & Ride Push, Pull & Ride
Puzzles & Brain Teasers puzzles-brain-teasers Puzzles & Brain Teasers Puzzles & Brain Teasers
Science & Nature science-nature Science & Nature Science & Nature
Video Games & Software video-games-software Video Games & Software Video Games & Software
Other other Other Other
Retailer Support Item retailer-support-item Retailer Support Item Retailer Support Item

FUNdamentals (development attributes)

We assign items to one or more of the following FUNdamentals as listed in the table below. These are typically reserved for products meant for children 0-6 yrs.

When we push this field to WooCom, we push to a custom meta field in the product > Product data > STN Fields. Front-end use requires custom template changes.

For Shopify FUNdamentals are pushed as Product Tags.

For BigCommerce FUNdamentals are pushed as custom fields.

STN FUNdamentals WooCom Shopify BigCommerce
(Pushed as custom meta info - see product tab Product data > STN Fields (Pushed as Product Tags) (Pushed as custom field)
Cooperative Play Cooperative Play FUNdamental: Cooperative Play Cooperative Play
Creative Play Creative Play FUNdamental: Creative Play Creative Play
Independent Play Independent Play FUNdamental: Independent Play Independent Play
Language Development Language Development FUNdamental: Language Development Language Development
Logical Thought Logical Thought FUNdamental: Logical Thought Logical Thought
Motor Skills Motor Skills FUNdamental: Motor Skills Motor Skills
Musical Musical FUNdamental: Musical Musical
Visual Visual FUNdamental: Visual Visual

Safety Warnings

Product Keywords

Product Keywords are pushed to as WooCom, Shopify and BigCommerce as Product Tags. In your RP Push Settings, select “Additional Info” to receive Keywords.

select Additional Info for Keywords

Other Data Fields

Additional product data may be available for your eCom site. These data fields will need custom setup for pushing to the site back-end or front-end use. Please consult with STN for assistance on:

  • Product Package Dimensions
  • Advanced Filters
  • Parts Filtering
  • Mfg SKUs
  • ISBN or EAN
  • Package Content
  • Product Features
  • Batteries
  • Book Details (authors, pages, etc)

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