Command – Push Products to (ecom website)

Run the Push Products commands to push product data such as images, descriptions, etc to your ecommerce website.

1. select the products to push

2. run a push command

This will push all product data you have selected to your Shopify account. It uses the Default Push Setting.

This will push all product data you have selected to your Shopify account. Use this command to select a Custom Push Setting for the items in this push bucket.

This will push all product data you have selected to your STN Joomla/Virtuemart account. It uses the Default Push Setting.

This will push all product data you have selected to your STN Joomla/Virtuemart account. Use this command to select a Custom Push Setting for the items in this push bucket.

This will push all product data you have selected to your WooCommerce account. It uses the Default Push Setting.

This will push all product data you have selected to your WooCommerce account. Use this command to select a Custom Push Setting for the items in this push bucket.

This will push all product data you have selected to your BigCommerce account. It uses the Default Push Setting.

This will push all product data you have selected to your Shopify account. Use this command to select a Custom Push Setting for the items in this push bucket.

3. your items in your ecom website will be updated

Check the Logs to see if push is complete

see also

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